faster payments

Faster Payments Service (FPS) is a UK banking initiative to reduce payment times between different banks' customer accounts from the three working days that transfers take using the long-established BACS system, to typically a few seconds.


When Cross-Border Payment Pain Leaves Both Sides Hurting
When Cross-Border Payment Pain Leaves Both Sides Hurting
July 20, 2016  |  Cross Border Commerce

There’s a global phenomenon afoot that takes the notion of cross-border payments to a new level – the high value-low frequency transactions made by a...

For SMEs, It’s A Small World After All
For SMEs, It’s A Small World After All
July 19, 2016  |  B2B Payments

The U.K. referendum was a massive wakeup call to markets everywhere: The world economy truly is an interconnected web, and what happens at Point A...

Helping Bring Equal Access To Faster Payments
Helping Bring Equal Access To Faster Payments
July 07, 2016  |  Faster Payments

It’s happening. With the launch of Same Day ACH Phase 1 now just a little more than two months away, banks are getting ready for...

Same Day’s September 23rd Game Day
Same Day’s September 23rd Game Day
July 06, 2016  |  Faster Payments

It’s happening. With the launch of Same Day ACH Phase 1 now just a little more than two months away, banks are getting ready for...

Deloitte Constructing Global 5-Second Payments Portal
Deloitte Constructing Global 5-Second Payments Portal
July 05, 2016  |  B2B Payments

Deloitte has announced plans to construct a cross-border payments platform and will work with developers at Stellar to make it a reality. Reports late last...

Payments’ Innovation Half-Year Progress Report
Payments’ Innovation Half-Year Progress Report
June 20, 2016  |  Mobile Payments

At the start of the year, I wrote a piece that outlined six trends that I suggested would set the agenda for payments innovation and...

A Security Lapse Is Just A Bump In The Road To Faster, Better B2B Payments
A Security Lapse Is Just A Bump In The Road To Faster, Better B2B Payments
June 16, 2016  |  B2B Payments

The interbank messaging firm SWIFT has had a rough few months. Cyberattackers were able to steal $81 million from the Bangladesh central bank by compromising the...