faster payments

Faster Payments Service (FPS) is a UK banking initiative to reduce payment times between different banks' customer accounts from the three working days that transfers take using the long-established BACS system, to typically a few seconds.


The Six Things That Will Define Payments In 2016
The Six Things That Will Define Payments In 2016
January 04, 2016  |  Mobile Commerce

There are lots of things that will influence the actions of the players within the vast and dynamic ecosystem in 2016. But MPD CEO Karen...

Real-Time Payments A Reality By 2017’s End?
Real-Time Payments A Reality By 2017’s End?
December 15, 2015  |  News

Real-time payments. The buzz phrase of 2015. Now, the latest projections for the U.S. and Europe show that real-time payment infrastructures are set to be...

The Race For Faster Payments Rails
The Race For Faster Payments Rails
December 14, 2015  |  Karen Webster

Usain Bolt is the fastest human on earth, but cheetahs are three times faster. Does that make cheetahs better than a 6-time Olympic gold medal...

The Real-Time Payments Reality Launches
The Real-Time Payments Reality Launches
October 27, 2015  |  News

What happens when a-bank owned leader in payments fraud prevention and risk management, announces the acquisition of the largest U.S. bank-owned, real-time digital payments network?...