Website Liability Reform Worries Smaller Players
Website Liability Reform Worries Smaller Players
December 23, 2020  |  Regulation

While Facebook has said it is open to liability reform that would make websites more accountable for posted content, smaller players are concerned that they...

FCC Removes Some Barriers To 5G Implementation
FCC Removes Some Barriers To 5G Implementation
June 09, 2020  |  Mobile

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is working on facilitating 5G wireless networks across the U.S., according to a press release. The FCC is doing so...

FCC Issues Show Cause Orders For Three Chinese Telecoms
FCC Issues Show Cause Orders For Three Chinese Telecoms
April 24, 2020  |  Regulation

With a move that could stop their American operations, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) produced show cause orders for three Chinese communication companies. The...

Fed Asks Banks To Be Lenient With Lending
Fed Asks Banks To Be Lenient With Lending
March 13, 2020  |  Coronavirus

The U.S. Federal Reserve is reportedly talking to lenders and saying that if they go through their liquidity reserves while helping customers there won’t be...

FCC Seeks Fines Against Top Cellphone Carriers Following Probe
FCC Seeks Fines Against Top Cellphone Carriers Following Probe
February 27, 2020  |  Mobile

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is seeking hundreds of millions of dollars in fines from major U.S. cellphone carriers after officials determined the companies didn’t...

T-Mobile Wins Court Decision To Take Over Sprint
T-Mobile Wins Court Decision To Take Over Sprint
February 11, 2020  |  Retail

In a ruling that goes against a state-led lawsuit that aimed to stop a deal that would reshape the wireless industry, T-Mobile US Inc. has...

FCC To Crack Down On Sharing Of Mobile Users’ Location Data
FCC To Crack Down On Sharing Of Mobile Users’ Location Data
February 02, 2020  |  Security & Fraud

Wireless networks that sold their customers’ real-time location data violated U.S. law, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai wrote in a letter to Congress...

What Serving The Internet’s ‘Underserved’ Means For Payments
What Serving The Internet’s ‘Underserved’ Means For Payments
January 17, 2020  |  Merchant Innovation

These days, it seems like you can hardly go a minute without hearing about the rise of 5G, the spread of facial recognition or how...

FCC, FTC Chairs To Talk Tech Policy At CES
FCC, FTC Chairs To Talk Tech Policy At CES
January 03, 2020  |  Innovation

A large number of senior government officials will visit the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES), an annual tech industry event held in Las Vegas, according...