True digital transformation in B2B payments requires more than just new technology. It demands an understanding of both sides of the transaction and the ability...
Simplicity in the omnichannel shopping experience is a concept that’s seen and appreciated by consumers. But as anyone familiar with the infrastructure behind the experience...
Unlike consumer payments, where streamlined experiences reign supreme, business-to-business (B2B) transactions are fragmented and slow-moving. But companies like Finexio are stepping up to transform this...
Brazil is reshaping the global use of digital wallets, with consumers relying on them for bill payments and identity verification, unlike other countries, where they...
Companies aiming to grow revenue can simplify how they operate and embrace a customer-first approach, Sovos President of Revenue Alice Katwan writes in a new...
Credit is getting harder to come by, especially for auto loans, mortgages and those with low credit scores. Amid an environment where lenders are tightening,...
Blockchain is entering its institutional era. And the enterprise treasury function is all eyes and ears to the innovation. For example, news came this week...
The fraudsters come in droves, inundating would-be victims across all manner of attack vectors, from phishing scams to bots. And in the process there’s a...
If the payments landscape had a holy grail, it would be seamless cross-border payments. Unlike domestic payments, which are shifting toward a real-time, 24/7 model,...