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PYMNTS.com original reporting, in-depth interviews, deep dives, and data analysis.

Three Cheers For B2B FinTech Startups
Three Cheers For B2B FinTech Startups
September 16, 2016  |  B2B Payments

Only a few years ago, B2B payments were thought of as the underdog in FinTech innovation. This week, venture capitalists prove the doubters wrong, providing...

Are Main Street Merchants Crushing It?
Are Main Street Merchants Crushing It?
September 16, 2016  |  SMBs

The rumors of Main Street's demise may be greatly exaggerated. The hot-off-the-presses Q3 PYMNTS Store Front Business Index™ indicates that store front businesses are proving...

Hackers Keep On Hacking…
Hackers Keep On Hacking…
September 16, 2016  |  Security & Fraud

Another day, another scheme. Hackers are hard at work coming up with new ways to make everyone pay — from customers to businesses, and even...

Sizzle/Fizzle: Apple Hits, Wells Fargo Misses And Nasty Gal Manages To Do Both
Sizzle/Fizzle: Apple Hits, Wells Fargo Misses And Nasty Gal Manages To Do Both
September 16, 2016  |  Sizzle/Fizzle

It’s been a Sizzling week in Boston for sports. The Red Sox are still in the lead to capture the AL East (sorry, Os fans...

How Sapphire Will Spend That $1B
How Sapphire Will Spend That $1B
September 15, 2016  |  B2B Payments

There are some contradicting reports forecasting the strength of FinTech investment this year. The latest report from KPMG’s Pulse of Fintech, released quarterly, found a...

Introducing What’s Next — A Better Way To Know The Future
Introducing What’s Next — A Better Way To Know The Future
September 15, 2016  |  Analytics

“What’s next?” For time immemorial, human beings have been asking that question; in fact, if it wasn’t the first question human beings asked upon developing...

Adapt To Faster Payments With Enterprise Fraud Prevention
Adapt To Faster Payments With Enterprise Fraud Prevention
September 14, 2016  |  Faster Payments

New payment methods bring opportunities for innovation and value-added services. In the case of immediate payments, this could include P2P, P2B or B2B payments, where...

The Political Factor Weighing On SMEs’ Minds (It’s Not Brexit)
The Political Factor Weighing On SMEs’ Minds (It’s Not Brexit)
September 14, 2016  |  B2B Payments

Analysts quarreled over how the U.K. referendum would impact the markets, but immediately after the nation voted to leave the European Union, it was too...