The Bengaluru court in India on Friday (Feb. 14) put an antitrust investigation into Amazon and Flipkart on hold for two months following a challenge...
Amazon has fired back in court over antitrust allegations in India, according to a report by Reuters. Amazon said a probe by the country’s competition...
The jousting over eCommerce taxes — especially for U.S. firms operating on an international scale — is about to get more heated. Last week in...
In today’s top payments news, China is finalizing its rules for online-only banks, Mastercard names Raj Seshadri as its new president of data and services...
In an order on Monday (Jan. 13), the antitrust body of India said it has called for a probe into potential competition law violations by...
Walmart India is investing in B2B supply chain management startup Ninjacart, a company that specializes in streamlining the strategic sourcing operations of the grocery sector....
Flipkart announced that it has invested $4 million (about Rs 29 crore) in rewards platform EasyRewardz in India, giving Flipkart a 20 percent stake in...
Flipkart is reportedly gearing up for the rollout of FarmerMart, a food business that would sell packaged food and locally produced products. While it’s not yet...
Global retail giant Walmart has plans to spin off India’s PhonePe from Flipkart and create a separate entity, the Economic Times reported on Friday (Oct....