FTC On NetSpend: Company Hit Consumers With Misleading Claims For Prepaid Cards
FTC On NetSpend: Company Hit Consumers With Misleading Claims For Prepaid Cards
November 11, 2016  |  Regulation

The Federal Trade Commission said on Thursday (Nov. 10) that NetSpend Corp. has been misleading to consumers of its prepaid cards, with promises that they...

Lawmakers Ask FTC To Regulate Apps
Lawmakers Ask FTC To Regulate Apps
October 21, 2016  |  Regulation

The ranking member of the Antitrust Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee, U.S. Rep. Henry “Hank” Johnson (D-GA), and other lawmakers have called on the...

FTC Acts to Stop Global Internet Extortion Plot
FTC Acts to Stop Global Internet Extortion Plot
October 13, 2016  |  News

In one of the latest legal twists on hackers who hold hardware and software and the data held within for ransom, Courthousenews.com reported Thursday that...

FTC To Return Close To $20 Million To Scam Victims
FTC To Return Close To $20 Million To Scam Victims
September 28, 2016  |  Security & Fraud

The Federal Trade Commission announced on Tuesday (Sept. 27) it will return close to $20 million to more than 145,000 consumers around the country who...

FTC Submits Progress Report To The Senate
FTC Submits Progress Report To The Senate
September 27, 2016  |  Regulation

The FTC presented a written report of its recent work to the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation and requested changes to the...

Bad Guys Are Scamming People And Then Selling Victims’ Information
Bad Guys Are Scamming People And Then Selling Victims’ Information
September 26, 2016  |  Security & Fraud

The bad guys aren’t happy just scamming people. It turns out they are also sharing their victims’ information with other unscrupulous people. That’s according to...

FTC: NutraClick’s Billing Practices Must Change
FTC: NutraClick’s Billing Practices Must Change
September 23, 2016  |  Regulation

Nutritional supplement marketer NutraClick has settled charges of unfair billing of consumers and must change its billing practices, the Federal Trade Commission said on Thursday...

FTC Bans Payday Debt Relief Operation From Industry
FTC Bans Payday Debt Relief Operation From Industry
September 09, 2016  |  Regulation

A debt relief operation, which went by the names “Payday Support Center” and “Infinity Client Solutions,” has been banned by the Federal Trade Commission from...

FTC Awards $9.7M To Credit Card Billing Scam Victims
FTC Awards $9.7M To Credit Card Billing Scam Victims
July 27, 2016  |  Security & Fraud

Victims of an illegal credit card billing scam have started receiving checks from the Federal Trade Commission. The FTC said it has begun mailing checks,...