Gene Munster

Gene Munster Thinks Amazon Will Buy Target
Gene Munster Thinks Amazon Will Buy Target
January 03, 2018  |  Retail

The early part of a new year is always rife with predictions, and venture capital firm Loup Ventures co-founder Gene Munster deserves credit from coming...

Expert Says Apple Glasses To Cause Decline In iPhone Sales
Expert Says Apple Glasses To Cause Decline In iPhone Sales
June 29, 2017  |  Apple

According to Loup Ventures’ Gene Munster, Apple Glasses will launch by 2020 and will eventually cause sales of iPhones to decline. CNBC news reports that while Apple hasn’t...

Gene Munster Remains Bullish On Apple In His Last Research Note
Gene Munster Remains Bullish On Apple In His Last Research Note
December 19, 2016  |  Apple

Gene Munster, Wall Street’s best known Apple Watcher, is signing off as an analyst — last week saw his 874th and final research note on the...