The European Commission is looking into providing more protections for gig economy workers and others who don’t have standard working contracts, reported Reuters. Citing the...
For beauty professionals, collecting fees from no-shows can be harder than giving a perm to someone with a comb-over. For September’s Disbursements Tracker™, in collaboration...
Time is money. And for contractors in the beauty industry, time wasted by no-show customers cuts right into the bottom line. But new payment tools...
Today is Labor Day, a holiday we’ve been celebrating to honor the hard work and productivity of the American worker since 1894. The history of the holiday is...
Can faster payment tools put on demand caregivers on the same economic footing as full-time workers? In June’s Faster Payments Tracker™, powered by NACHA, Bryan O’Malley,’s...
Not only are faster payment tools bringing helping to exchange funds at a quicker pace, but these solutions are also transforming the certain aspects of the...
New research shows that the number of on-demand workers in the U.S. is expected to nearly double in the next four years, fueled largely by...
There’s no question the way people work is changing. As more people flock to the gig economy, there are increasing challenges around developing and supporting...