Global Payments

Globalization is driving corporations to transact more frequently across borders. Consumers are also transacting more on a global basis—buying from foreign eCommerce sites as well as traveling, living, and working abroad. For the payments industry, the result is higher volumes of payments—in terms of both currency value and number of transactions. This is also leading to a consequent shift downwards in the average value of these payments.
The 4 Key Clues To Understanding The Future Of Facebook’s Libra
The 4 Key Clues To Understanding The Future Of Facebook’s Libra
July 05, 2019  |  Cryptocurrency

It’s been a little over two weeks since we all got our first look at Libra and Calibra. No doubt there will be countless news...

If Facebook Wants To Be WeChat, Why Did It Launch Libra?
If Facebook Wants To Be WeChat, Why Did It Launch Libra?
July 01, 2019  |  Cryptocurrency

Have you overdosed on Libra coverage yet? And it’s not even been two whole weeks. Facebook’s launch of Libra on June 18 unleashed a firestorm...

Brazil’s Big Blockchain Bounce (And Other Digital Payments Advances)
Brazil’s Big Blockchain Bounce (And Other Digital Payments Advances)
June 27, 2019  |  International

The digital payments news out of Brazil has been fast and furious over the last few weeks – particularly when it comes to blockchain. And while...

P27 Nordic Payments Platform Teams With Mastercard
P27 Nordic Payments Platform Teams With Mastercard
June 25, 2019  |  Partnerships / Acquisitions

Mastercard and P27 Nordic Payments Platform have teamed up to provide the Nordic market with a real-time and batch payments system, according to a release...

SWIFT To Open gpi To Blockchain Rails
SWIFT To Open gpi To Blockchain Rails
June 24, 2019  |  B2B Payments

Payments messaging firm SWIFT will allow blockchain companies to connect into its global payments innovation (gpi) platform, SWIFT said in its latest report on the...

The World Gets Its Libra Look — And Is Divided On What It Sees
The World Gets Its Libra Look — And Is Divided On What It Sees
June 19, 2019  |  Facebook

The world has gotten its first good look at Libra — Facebook’s long-anticipated move into cryptocurrency and global payments. That move includes new rails (the...

What The Launch Of Facebook’s Libra Means For Payments
What The Launch Of Facebook’s Libra Means For Payments
June 18, 2019  |  Facebook

The endless speculation over Facebook’s plans to build a new set of global payments rails and launch a global cryptocurrency comes to an end today...

Alipay’s Many European Plays
Alipay’s Many European Plays
June 14, 2019  |  Global Payments

That Alipay is moving into Europe — and looking to support the millions of Chinese and Southeast Asian tourists who travel there annually for business...

Visa Launches Visa B2B Connect In 30+ Markets
Visa Launches Visa B2B Connect In 30+ Markets
June 11, 2019  |  VISA

Almost two years in the making, Visa B2B Connect makes its official launch, with a rollout across 30 countries. Kevin Phalen, head of Global Business Solutions...