
A government is the system or group of people governing an organized community, often a state. In the case of its broad associative definition, government normally consists of legislature, executive, and judiciary.


Indian Officials Say Country Has Enough Cash As ATMs Run Dry
Indian Officials Say Country Has Enough Cash As ATMs Run Dry
April 18, 2018  |  International

With India’s banknote shortage spreading across the country, the government said Tuesday (April 17) that there is enough currency available and that there are moves...

Legislators Introduce Bill For Faster Payments To Small Businesses
Legislators Introduce Bill For Faster Payments To Small Businesses
March 22, 2018  |  B2B Payments

Legislative efforts to combat late supplier payments have emerged in Europe, the U.K. and Australia. Now, similar initiatives have begun in the U.S. Reports in...

Paying City Hall, At The Kiosk And Beyond
Paying City Hall, At The Kiosk And Beyond
February 27, 2018  |  Payment Methods

You can’t fight city hall, goes the saying, but there are new ways to pay city hall. News came earlier this month that Chicago’s finance...

NEW STUDY: What Corporate Treasurers Want From Faster Payments
NEW STUDY: What Corporate Treasurers Want From Faster Payments
February 06, 2018  |  Faster Payments

  From employers who use the service for direct-deposit payments to landlords and utility companies that use it to collect rent or monthly bills, same-day...

Swiss Consortium Adopts Single Digital Identity For Online Purchases
Swiss Consortium Adopts Single Digital Identity For Online Purchases
November 22, 2017  |  eCommerce

A consortium of nine large companies — including UBS, Credit Suisse, Swisscom, Swiss Post, SIX, Raiffeisen, Swiss Railways, Zuercher Kantonalbank and Mobiliar — will enable Swiss consumers...

UK Regulators Crack Down On Car Hacking
UK Regulators Crack Down On Car Hacking
August 07, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

The U.K. government released new regulation guidelines on Sunday (August 6) that call on makers of internet-connected cars and trucks to place more stringent cybersecurity...

Retailers Raise Concerns Over Potential Border Tax
Retailers Raise Concerns Over Potential Border Tax
July 24, 2017  |  Retail

The retail industry is going through a rough transformation. This shift in the way that retailers operate is evident from consumers’ shift to more online...

Today In Data: Dodd-Frank And Other US Government Updates
Today In Data: Dodd-Frank And Other US Government Updates
June 09, 2017  |  Today In Data

Government regulation is at the core of what helps shape the financial system in nearly every country, and the U.S. is no different. In this...

Ingo Money CEO On The Pull Behind Push Payments
Ingo Money CEO On The Pull Behind Push Payments
April 20, 2017  |  Payment Methods

Ingo Money CEO Drew Edwards told an audience at Innovation Project 2017 that he sees push payments as a massive opportunity for consumers and corporates...