Visa and Mastercard are warning financial institutions across the country that more than 200,000 credit cards were compromised during the Equifax hack. KrebsOnSecurity broke the...
A new type of credit card fraud is emerging, dubbed “synthetic identity theft.” In instances of synthetic identity theft, cybercriminals create new identities to credit...
Equifax, the credit scoring company that suffered a data breach that impacted as many as 143 million Americans, is blaming a vendor software flaw in...
Orbita CEO Bill Rogers has a relative with dementia. As dementia patients often do, she repeats a lot of the same questions, and it drives...
Wells Fargo, the embattled national bank, disclosed in a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), a government regulatory...
Prosper Marketplace, the online lender, is reportedly getting rid of its Prosper Daily mobile app, which enabled customers to monitor their personal finances, like credit...
Police have discovered a new credit card skimmer that connects to the inside of a gas station pump and is able to send stolen data...
Technological advances are pushing the boundaries for what’s possible in a variety of industries. Within the retail industry specifically, artificial intelligence (AI) is moving the...
Teach a man to phish and he’ll launch a phishing attempt every 30 seconds for the rest of his life. So what can businesses do...