instant payments

Deep Dive: Why Instant, Mobile Disbursements Are Key To Keeping Unbanked Consumers Financially Engaged
Deep Dive: Why Instant, Mobile Disbursements Are Key To Keeping Unbanked Consumers Financially Engaged
November 11, 2020  |  Disbursements

Keeping unbanked consumers transacting and connected to the broader financial world has grown especially tricky over the past few years as cash use dips and...

Phlatbed: Why Mobile Is Key To Moving Disbursements To The Unbanked
Phlatbed: Why Mobile Is Key To Moving Disbursements To The Unbanked
November 10, 2020  |  Disbursements

The number of unbanked consumers was on a downward curve before the pandemic hit and caused widespread financial distress. Now that number is expected to...

Phlatbed CEO: How Mobile Tools Keep On-Demand Wages Moving
Phlatbed CEO: How Mobile Tools Keep On-Demand Wages Moving
November 09, 2020  |  Disbursements

Both businesses and consumers are still attempting to deal with the financial hardships brought on by the ongoing pandemic. In the United States, 8 million...

Built For Speed: Millennials Drive Move To Faster Payments
Built For Speed: Millennials Drive Move To Faster Payments
November 05, 2020  |  Faster Payments

There’s a bit from “Seinfeld” way back in the 20th century that, paraphrased, goes like this: A check is like a note from your parents...

Deep Dive: How Faster Payment Tools Can Ease Frictions For Consumers And Businesses
Deep Dive: How Faster Payment Tools Can Ease Frictions For Consumers And Businesses
November 02, 2020  |  Faster Payments

The COVID-19 pandemic and its economic impacts have created new payment complexities for consumers and businesses alike. Consumers who have lost hours at work or...

Inside The Factors Shaping Businesses’ Faster Payment Tool Adoptions
Inside The Factors Shaping Businesses’ Faster Payment Tool Adoptions
October 30, 2020  |  Faster Payments

Slow payment options can be devastating to businesses' stability and vendor relationships, but firms often find themselves struggling to choose the right faster payment alternatives,...

U.S. Bank On Helping Businesses Pick Faster Payment Options
U.S. Bank On Helping Businesses Pick Faster Payment Options
October 29, 2020  |  Faster Payments

Paper checks have long been a mainstay of corporate payments, with 42 percent of companies reportedly using checks to pay vendors in 2019. It is...

Surge In Commercial Payments Pushes ACH Payments Volume Up 9 Pct In 3Q
Surge In Commercial Payments Pushes ACH Payments Volume Up 9 Pct In 3Q
October 27, 2020  |  Digital Payments

The ACH Network, the national clearinghouse for electronic funds transfers, saw a big jump in activity in the third quarter, even as government assistance payments...

Tipping Goes Digital; Why Restaurants And Their Staffs Want It
Tipping Goes Digital; Why Restaurants And Their Staffs Want It
October 26, 2020  |  Faster Payments

At a time when no one wants to say that COVID-19 has been good for business, more and more executives in the digital arena are willing to...