intellectual property

Uber Wants To Handle Waymo Case Via Arbitration
Uber Wants To Handle Waymo Case Via Arbitration
March 31, 2017  |  Legal

A new court document filed by Uber indicates that the company thinks some parts of the case between Waymo and Uber/Otto can be handled by arbitration, said The...

Defense Against Patent Trolls? Worth A LOT (Network)
Defense Against Patent Trolls? Worth A LOT (Network)
March 23, 2017  |  Legal

If innovation is the lifeblood of tech and of commerce in general, patents are the lifeblood of less than savory characters known as patent trolls....

Blockchain Patent Wars Heating Up Among Big Banks
Blockchain Patent Wars Heating Up Among Big Banks
December 29, 2016  |  B2B Payments

Some of the largest banks already involved in blockchain development are now in a race to snatch up patents from the technology, reports said. The...

The Changing Motives Behind Cybercrime
The Changing Motives Behind Cybercrime
July 09, 2015  |  News

Symantec warns in a report published yesterday (July 8) that a new group of criminal hackers — dubbed the “Morpho” group — is driven by...