
International business refers to the trade of goods, services, technology, capital and/or knowledge across national borders and at a global or transnational level. It involves cross-border transactions of goods and services between two or more countries.


Can UK Soccer Hooligans Stop Runaway Ticket Prices?
Can UK Soccer Hooligans Stop Runaway Ticket Prices?
March 22, 2016  |  International

While sports fans might act like they’re more invested in the ups and downs of their teams than they actually are, a large enough group...

Global Retail Outlook Cause For Concern
Global Retail Outlook Cause For Concern
March 18, 2016  |  International

For better or worse, China’s economy has assumed the nebulous mantle as the bellwether for the larger globalized economy. When things are good, investors can...

South Korea’s Online And In-Store Retailers Play Discounting Chicken
South Korea’s Online And In-Store Retailers Play Discounting Chicken
March 16, 2016  |  International

Western retailers are just now starting to see daylight at the end of a long winter of discounting discontent, and many standbys like Macy’s and...

The Curious Case Of Digital Video Game Prices
The Curious Case Of Digital Video Game Prices
March 15, 2016  |  International

It took video games two decades to go from a brand new form of niche entertainment to a mainstream, multi-billion dollar global industry. Naturally, gamers...

Why Spring Break Is Getting Cheaper
Why Spring Break Is Getting Cheaper
March 08, 2016  |  International

While more college students are choosing to work for Habitat for Humanity or teach English in a foreign country for one week in March, there...

Why Are B&M Media Stores Surging In The UK?
Why Are B&M Media Stores Surging In The UK?
March 08, 2016  |  International

First, Napster and peer-to-peer music sharing were said to have murdered physical music and movie sales in cold blood. Then, iTunes and Amazon became the...