
International business refers to the trade of goods, services, technology, capital and/or knowledge across national borders and at a global or transnational level. It involves cross-border transactions of goods and services between two or more countries.


China Drops Growth Target For 2016
China Drops Growth Target For 2016
March 08, 2016  |  International

Predicting economic growth in a global economy is a game best reserved for only the most experienced of analysts. Given that China just released its...

Adidas Sets Goal For 3,000 More Chinese Stores
Adidas Sets Goal For 3,000 More Chinese Stores
March 07, 2016  |  International

There’s no bigger vehicle for fear-mongering in retail than scary tales about the downturn of China’s economy. Maybe that’s why Adidas doesn’t seem to have...

READ MORE >’s Sales Growth Offset By Revenue Losses’s Sales Growth Offset By Revenue Losses
March 02, 2016  |  International

Until last year, it seemed like there was no ceiling the Chinese economy couldn’t simply break through, but as the country’s long-term economic crisis continues,...

READ MORE >, The Amazon Of The Middle East, Raises $275M, The Amazon Of The Middle East, Raises $275M
March 01, 2016  |  International

Much like the Industrial Revolution 200 years before it, there are few regions of the world that the new age of eCommerce has not touched....

UK Retail Starts 2016 Off Strong
UK Retail Starts 2016 Off Strong
February 10, 2016  |  International

A quick tour around the world of retail sales numbers from January will paint a pretty grim picture: Consumers aren’t buying as much as they...

Saudi Arabian Starbucks Briefly Bans Women
Saudi Arabian Starbucks Briefly Bans Women
February 09, 2016  |  International

Whether it’s through mobile order and pick up or simply having stores on every other street corner in every major city on the globe, Starbucks...