Internet of Things

10 Ways Regulation Could Shake Up the Digital Economy in 2022
10 Ways Regulation Could Shake Up the Digital Economy in 2022
January 05, 2022  |  Regulation

In 2021, regulators and policymakers around the world launched different regulatory initiatives on a wide range of topics from FinTech to crypto, privacy and artificial...

Amazon to Use Verizon Network for Satellite Fleet
Amazon to Use Verizon Network for Satellite Fleet
October 26, 2021  |  Internet of Things

Amazon has made a deal with Verizon to use the communication giant’s network to link its proposed satellite fleet. As Bloomberg News noted in its...

Mastercard Says AI Key In Managing IoT Data Deluge — And Thwarting Cyberfraud
Mastercard Says AI Key In Managing IoT Data Deluge — And Thwarting Cyberfraud
May 10, 2021  |  Security & Fraud

Data, data everywhere – accumulating exponentially, as we have gone increasingly digital. A fact to file away under “mind-boggling stats:” We as humans create 2.5...

Mastercard’s Gerber: Cybersecurity Needs Its Own Paris Accord
Mastercard’s Gerber: Cybersecurity Needs Its Own Paris Accord
April 26, 2021  |  Security & Fraud

Recent research shows that the average data breach costs financial institutions (FIs) $210 on average per compromised account, and it costs merchants $119. But on...

An Australia With No Google – A Search For Search? 
An Australia With No Google – A Search For Search? 
January 22, 2021  |  Internet of Things

In the Land Down Under, the ripple effects of the clash between regulators and a giant in online search (that would be Google, of course)...

Alphabet Pulls The Plug On Digital Ballooning Venture Loon
Alphabet Pulls The Plug On Digital Ballooning Venture Loon
January 22, 2021  |  Internet of Things

Google’s parent company Alphabet is pulling the plug on its subsidiary Loon, a futuristic venture that for the past decade was exploring the use of...

Media Bargaining Code Could End Google Search In Australia
Media Bargaining Code Could End Google Search In Australia
January 22, 2021  |  Internet of Things

Google is threatening to pull out of Australia if the proposed news media bargaining code — which is designed to benefit news organizations — becomes...

No Place Like Home: Connected Home Becomes Commerce Command Center
No Place Like Home: Connected Home Becomes Commerce Command Center
December 24, 2020  |  Commerce Connected

‘Tis the season for predictions — the most dangerous time of the year for potential prognosticators looking to offer the world a sneak peek as...

YouTube’s Brief Outage Focuses Attention On Its Growing Commerce Role
YouTube’s Brief Outage Focuses Attention On Its Growing Commerce Role
December 14, 2020  |  Social Commerce

Google’s massive outage on Monday (Dec. 14) showed not only how much the world relies on services like Gmail, but also spotlighted the company’s YouTube...