
Square Cash Is Rolling Cash Virtual Card Into Its iOS App
Square Cash Is Rolling Cash Virtual Card Into Its iOS App
September 13, 2016  |  Payment Methods

Square Cash has rolled its Cash Virtual Card into its iOS app, which enables customers to create a virtual Visa debit card so they can...

Apple’s Future iPhones May Fight Crime
Apple’s Future iPhones May Fight Crime
August 26, 2016  |  Security & Fraud

Apple may be getting into the law enforcement game with future versions of its iPhones and iPads. That’s according to an Apple patent that describes how Apple...

Apple’s Play To Learn User Habits
Apple’s Play To Learn User Habits
June 17, 2016  |  Merchant Innovation

Apple is walking the tightrope between wanting to know more about its users’ mobile habits without violating their privacy. The company is using a new...

Android Growth Slowing — But Still Gaining Ground
Android Growth Slowing — But Still Gaining Ground
June 16, 2016  |  Mobile Commerce

The war for mobile OS dominance rages on. Android has recently gotten a sort of mixed report from Kantar Worldpanel ComTech. The goods news is that,...

2016’s Week One: Top Payments News Of The Week
2016’s Week One: Top Payments News Of The Week
January 08, 2016  |  News

If 2015 went out like a lamb, 2016 is surely coming in like a lion in terms of what’s been happening across the payments, commerce...