Jennifer Hyman

Rent the Runway Charts New Course With In-Person Events, Revamped Consumer Experience
Rent the Runway Charts New Course With In-Person Events, Revamped Consumer Experience
September 05, 2024  |  Earnings

Rent the Runway (RTR) is experiencing a pivotal moment as it redefines its growth trajectory through a blend of strategic innovations and operational improvements. Following...

Rent the Runway Drives Loyalty Boost With AI Search Upgrades
Rent the Runway Drives Loyalty Boost With AI Search Upgrades
April 10, 2024  |  eCommerce

As consumers demand more frictionless experiences from their eCommerce merchants, Rent the Runway is seeing its digital rethink drive higher retention. The company shared in a presentation...

Rent the Runway Sees Renewed Traction as Rentals Have a Moment
Rent the Runway Sees Renewed Traction as Rentals Have a Moment
April 13, 2023  |  Retail

Earlier this month, PYMNTS discussed the momentum behind resale as sustainability has come to the forefront for consumers. Now the rental market, while not a...