Karen Webster

What’s Wrong With The Attack On Gig Economy Pay
What’s Wrong With The Attack On Gig Economy Pay
October 14, 2019  |  Gig Economy

Drivers can’t make ends meet. Given the median income of roughly $25,000 a year and the number of hours required behind the wheel to earn...

What We’ve Learned From Libra
What We’ve Learned From Libra
October 07, 2019  |  Cryptocurrency

PayPal officially pulled its support of Facebook’s Libra initiative after it no-showed at the Libra Association meeting last week in Washington, D.C. PayPal’s endorsement of...

Apple – Phone Home
Apple – Phone Home
September 30, 2019  |  Voice Activation

“There’s no place like home” are the famous words spoken by Judy Garland, playing the character of Dorothy, at the end of the iconic movie,...

The Real-Time Payments Receivables Conundrum
The Real-Time Payments Receivables Conundrum
September 23, 2019  |  Payments Innovation

P.T. Barnum perfected the art of showmanship, a reputation burnished by the spectacular fame of the traveling circus and side show that bore his name:...

What The Trendsetters Say About How We Will Pay Next Decade
What The Trendsetters Say About How We Will Pay Next Decade
September 16, 2019  |  Commerce Connected

Sheep are not natural-born leaders. If they were, they wouldn’t need border collies or sheepherders to make sure that they didn’t follow wolves blindly into...

Why Invisible Will Make 2020’s Payments Innovation Roar
Why Invisible Will Make 2020’s Payments Innovation Roar
September 03, 2019  |  Payments Innovation

The famous 18th-century political satirist and author, Jonathan Swift, wrote in 1745 that “vision is the art of seeing things invisible.” Two hundred and seventy-four...

Why FedNow Will Slow Real-Time Payments
Why FedNow Will Slow Real-Time Payments
August 12, 2019  |  Payments Innovation

I’m from the government and I’m here to make sure you get your paychecks faster – even instantly… …if you can just hang in there...

Who Will Be The Consumer’s Everyday App?
Who Will Be The Consumer’s Everyday App?
July 29, 2019  |  Ecosystems

Everyone wants to be the consumer’s everyday app – the “super app” to rule them all, the front door into the goods and services consumers...

Why Platforms Hold The Key To Igniting ePayables
Why Platforms Hold The Key To Igniting ePayables
July 22, 2019  |  B2B Payments

They’re slow. They’re cumbersome and expensive. They open the door for fraud. For all their drawbacks, why do paper checks persist in accounts payable? PYMNTS...