Karen Webster

What ‘Stranger Things’ Teaches Us About Attacks On Big Tech
What ‘Stranger Things’ Teaches Us About Attacks On Big Tech
July 22, 2019  |  Retail

A couple of months ago, I decided to give spinning a try. I’m a runner, not a biker, but wanted to see what it was...

Facebook Slapped With $5B FTC Fine, But Still Has Lots Of Friends
Facebook Slapped With $5B FTC Fine, But Still Has Lots Of Friends
July 15, 2019  |  Payments Innovation

The most interesting story about Facebook since the Cambridge Analytica scandal broke is one that hasn’t really been written. And it’s the one about the...

The 4 Key Clues To Understanding The Future Of Facebook’s Libra
The 4 Key Clues To Understanding The Future Of Facebook’s Libra
July 05, 2019  |  Cryptocurrency

It’s been a little over two weeks since we all got our first look at Libra and Calibra. No doubt there will be countless news...

If Facebook Wants To Be WeChat, Why Did It Launch Libra?
If Facebook Wants To Be WeChat, Why Did It Launch Libra?
July 01, 2019  |  Cryptocurrency

Have you overdosed on Libra coverage yet? And it’s not even been two whole weeks. Facebook’s launch of Libra on June 18 unleashed a firestorm...

What The Launch Of Facebook’s Libra Means For Payments
What The Launch Of Facebook’s Libra Means For Payments
June 18, 2019  |  Facebook

The endless speculation over Facebook’s plans to build a new set of global payments rails and launch a global cryptocurrency comes to an end today...

The Only Thing Missing From The Big Tech Breakup Debate: A Debate
The Only Thing Missing From The Big Tech Breakup Debate: A Debate
June 10, 2019  |  Regulation

Bashing Big Tech has become something of a sport. Regulators are circling the wagons. Policymakers are preparing to haul Big Tech execs to Capitol Hill...

Why Search And Logistics Will Shape The Future Of Retail Payments
Why Search And Logistics Will Shape The Future Of Retail Payments
June 03, 2019  |  Payments Innovation

The two most powerful forces shaping the future of retail payments have nothing to do with payments at all. At least at first glance. Ironically,...

Why Anyone Can Be A Unicorn Now
Why Anyone Can Be A Unicorn Now
May 20, 2019  |  Investments

It started with a postcard that was slipped under my front door in Boston last fall. It was an invitation to join an online neighborhood...

Why The Loan Shark Prevention Act Will Harm Consumers
Why The Loan Shark Prevention Act Will Harm Consumers
May 13, 2019  |  Economy

Let’s hop into the time travel machine this Monday morning and go back to the year 1973. Here’s why. The proposed credit card interest rate...