Karen Webster

Are Retailers Ready For Amazon’s Prime Time?
Are Retailers Ready For Amazon’s Prime Time?
June 25, 2018  |  Payments Innovation

My plan on Friday evening was to write a hard-hitting piece on a services segment with incredible marketplace friction. Then I went to Whole Foods...

Amazon Restaurants, Big Threat Or Essential Lifeline?
Amazon Restaurants, Big Threat Or Essential Lifeline?
June 18, 2018  |  Payments Innovation

The restaurant industry today is a study in contradictions. Census data tells us that roughly 44 percent of what consumers spend on food comes from...

The Case For Contextual Commerce
The Case For Contextual Commerce
June 04, 2018  |  Payments Innovation

Before there was on demand, there was time shifting. In 1985, cable companies introduced consumers to the idea that they could use their VCRs to...

Is GDPR EU’s Frankenstein Monster?
Is GDPR EU’s Frankenstein Monster?
May 31, 2018  |  Regulation

Two hundred years ago, the world was introduced to Dr. Victor Frankenstein. Mary Shelley’s book “Frankenstein” was published in January 1818 and told the story...

The Gig Economy’s $1.2T Digital Payments Potential
The Gig Economy’s $1.2T Digital Payments Potential
May 21, 2018  |  Payments Innovation

A smart entrepreneur dropped out of college, identified an unmet market need and created an entirely new market segment. He did it by establishing a...

Bridge Millennials And The Threat To Physical Retail
Bridge Millennials And The Threat To Physical Retail
May 14, 2018  |  Consumer Insights

Sometimes it pays to follow the scent. Each quarter for about the last 18 months, we’ve asked 4,000 consumers to tell us why they shopped...

Facebook And Dating: It’s (Not) Complicated
Facebook And Dating: It’s (Not) Complicated
May 07, 2018  |  Payments Innovation

Finding one’s soulmate isn’t easy. In fact, physicist, NASA roboticist and “What If” author Randall Munroe says that, scientifically speaking, it’s impossible. The math behind his...

Can FinTech Walk The FinTalk?
Can FinTech Walk The FinTalk?
April 30, 2018  |  Payments Innovation

Benjamin Franklin is best remembered as a signer of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and a prolific inventor who created the lightning rod after...

Consumer Convenience, Retail And Payments Disintermediation
Consumer Convenience, Retail And Payments Disintermediation
April 23, 2018  |  Innovation

Disintermediating the established intermediaries has become something of an art form in payments and retail these days. Physical retail is being disintermediated by a host...