Karen Webster

What Everyone Missed About Facebook
What Everyone Missed About Facebook
April 16, 2018  |  Facebook

There are any number of conclusions one might draw after watching the Facebook hearings on Capitol Hill last week. That most of our elected officials...

Can Google’s Shopping Actions Take On Amazon?
Can Google’s Shopping Actions Take On Amazon?
March 26, 2018  |  Payments Innovation

In between stories last week about Jack Dorsey saying that bitcoin will be the world’s single digital currency in about 10 years and Facebook’s meltdown...

The Curious Case For Breaking Up Tech Giants
The Curious Case For Breaking Up Tech Giants
March 19, 2018  |  Regulation

There’s no question that the world’s weather patterns are undergoing a massive change. In the last few months alone, we’ve seen snow in Rome and three...

The Amazon Effect On Consumers And Grocery Shopping
The Amazon Effect On Consumers And Grocery Shopping
March 12, 2018  |  Consumer Insights

If you’re like most Americans, you or someone in your household made a run to the grocery store on Saturday to get food for the...

Who’ll Win When Facebook Advertisers Flee?
Who’ll Win When Facebook Advertisers Flee?
March 05, 2018  |  eCommerce

Procter & Gamble made headlines last week when its Chief Brand Officer, Marc Pritchard, confirmed that the world’s largest advertiser cut $200 million of digital...

Mobile Wallets: Where’s The S-Curve?
Mobile Wallets: Where’s The S-Curve?
February 26, 2018  |  Payments Innovation

The classic product lifecycle that all of us had drilled into our heads in business school tells us that at the three-year mark for any...

In The Age Of Big Data, Why Are We Still Flying Blind?
In The Age Of Big Data, Why Are We Still Flying Blind?
February 12, 2018  |  Data

In a world where we’re bombarded daily — even hourly — by data points on everything from stock prices and market cap to retail sales and...

eBay/PayPal: What Everyone Missed
eBay/PayPal: What Everyone Missed
February 05, 2018  |  Digital Payments

The year was 1999. eBay, then four years old, bought payments provider Billpoint to improve the payments experience on its site. When eBay first launched...

2018: The Year Of The Mobile Wallet Reset
2018: The Year Of The Mobile Wallet Reset
January 29, 2018  |  Mobile Commerce

It’s time to talk more about what we’re really trying to accomplish for consumers — and for our businesses — and less about the tactics some are...