Karen Webster

Walmart Banks on Cash
Walmart Banks on Cash
April 21, 2014  |  Commentary

Walmart got the entire financial services industry buzzing last week with its Walmart-2-Walmart domestic P2P play. But what everyone forgot to focus on is the...

Fed’s Mobile Use Numbers—That Was Then, This is Now
Fed’s Mobile Use Numbers—That Was Then, This is Now
April 16, 2014  |  Commentary

The Fed issued its update recently on the state of the mobile US landscape two years after its Mobile Payments Industry Workgroup (MPIW) convened to...

Black Swans, Payments and 1982
Black Swans, Payments and 1982
April 16, 2014  |  Commentary

Actions in the aftermath of the recent merchant data breaches have demonstrated the potential dangers that extend beyond simply not improving payments-data security. Knee-jerk reacting...

Shaw’s Follows Dangerous Path In Shift Away From Loyalty
Shaw’s Follows Dangerous Path In Shift Away From Loyalty
April 16, 2014  |  Commentary

Shaw’s Supermarket here in Boston made a little bit of news in the run-up to the 4th of July holiday. It’s dumping its loyalty card...

LevelUp’s March to Free Payments
LevelUp’s March to Free Payments
April 16, 2014  |  Commentary

LevelUp raised a lot of eyebrows in 2012 when it said that moving money should be free and that its mission was to reduce payments...

So, You Want To Do A Loyalty Program – Why?
So, You Want To Do A Loyalty Program – Why?
April 15, 2014  |  Commentary

Consumers aren’t likely to be loyal to any one brand, companies that spend more on loyalty programs aren’t as profitable as companies that don’t and...

‘Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall, Whose Digital Wallet Will Be Used Most Of All?’
‘Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall, Whose Digital Wallet Will Be Used Most Of All?’
March 31, 2014  |  Commentary

The Fed’s new mobile survey data contains a treasure trove of information on how mobile payments and digital wallets are doing. To guide us through...

Millennials Say ‘Meh’ to Banks
Millennials Say ‘Meh’ to Banks
March 17, 2014  |  Commentary

Uh oh. More bad news for the banks. And this time it doesn’t come from the regulators. The source of bad news is the Millennial...