Karen Webster

Why 50% of US Consumers Don’t Chase Merchant Deals
Why 50% of US Consumers Don’t Chase Merchant Deals
March 06, 2023  |  Consumer Insights

Nearly half of U.S. consumers say they shifted to brands and stores that offered steeper discounts than their usual retail and grocery haunts in the...

Why the Amazon-Walmart Retail Battle Won’t Be Fought in the Grocery Aisle
Why the Amazon-Walmart Retail Battle Won’t Be Fought in the Grocery Aisle
February 27, 2023  |  Retail

Groceries, and how and where consumers buy them, is almost as topical as generative AI these days. Food inflation remains stubbornly high, and nearly all...

Consumer Shopping Data Shows Troubling Signs For Grocery Stores’ Future
Consumer Shopping Data Shows Troubling Signs For Grocery Stores’ Future
February 06, 2023  |  Retail

Will Grocery Stores Go the Way of the Department Stores? If grocery store executives want to see what their industry could look like over the...

Banks Want to Prove They Can Innovate Digital Wallets, But Can They?
Banks Want to Prove They Can Innovate Digital Wallets, But Can They?
January 30, 2023  |  Digital Payments

One of the worst-kept secrets in payments was finally confirmed last week. That’s when Early Warning Services (EWS) announced its plans to launch a digital...

The Eight Trends That Will Shape Payments, Retail, and the Digital Economy in 2023
The Eight Trends That Will Shape Payments, Retail, and the Digital Economy in 2023
January 09, 2023  |  Connected Economy

The holiday ornaments have been put away, the resolutions have been made, the new year well wishes have been given. That means it’s time for...

The Year in Payments: From BNPL to FTX to the Digital Economy
The Year in Payments: From BNPL to FTX to the Digital Economy
December 28, 2022  |  Karen Webster

Looking for analysis of everything from the digital economy to consumers’ instincts about inflation? Let Monday be your guide. “Monday.” It comes from the Anglo-Saxon...

Consumers See Higher, Longer Inflation Than Government – Why That Matters
Consumers See Higher, Longer Inflation Than Government – Why That Matters
December 12, 2022  |  Economy

PYMNTS’ national study of 13,250 U.S. consumers over the last seven months may tell policymakers everything they need to know about inflation expectations: consumers think...

The Greatly Exaggerated Demise of Alexa, eCommerce and the Card Networks
The Greatly Exaggerated Demise of Alexa, eCommerce and the Card Networks
November 28, 2022  |  Platform Payments

Almost 57 years ago to the day, the 1960’s rock band The Byrds appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show to sing their number one hit...

Sam Bankman-Fried, FTX and the Demise of the Cool Kids
Sam Bankman-Fried, FTX and the Demise of the Cool Kids
November 14, 2022  |  Cryptocurrency

Investors with money sitting on the sidelines, listen up. I’m on to the next big thing and need capital. The total addressable market is every...