Karen Webster

What 2014 Teaches Us About the Future of Payments and the Digital Economy
What 2014 Teaches Us About the Future of Payments and the Digital Economy
October 03, 2022  |  Connected Economy

In 1963, Nobel-prize winning physicist Dennis Gabor wrote that the future can’t be predicted, but it can be invented. Gabor, who won the Nobel for...

How to Catch the Next Wave of Digital Transformation
How to Catch the Next Wave of Digital Transformation
September 19, 2022  |  Connected Economy

Steve Ballmer’s reaction to the release of the iPhone in 2007 is regarded as one of modern business history’s most egregious faux paus. As the...

What New Data Shows About Why Amazon is Buying iRobot
What New Data Shows About Why Amazon is Buying iRobot
August 15, 2022  |  Amazon Acquisitions

Joe Jones has become something of a household name in the last ten days because of an idea he had in 1989.  Jones is the...

Why Retailers Should Worry About Inflation but Dread the Wealth Effect
Why Retailers Should Worry About Inflation but Dread the Wealth Effect
July 25, 2022  |  Retail

A new survey of U.S. consumers, hot off the presses at PYMNTS, tells a lot about how they’re handling the current economic turmoil and when...

Amazon’s Fight for a Seat at the Dinner Table
Amazon’s Fight for a Seat at the Dinner Table
July 05, 2022  |  Amazon

Turns out that not many people order burgers at a restaurant that sells pasta and pizza, even though they’re a menu option. But many did...

Why 2022’s Tech Wreck Doesn’t Have to Mean a Dotcom Crash Landing
Why 2022’s Tech Wreck Doesn’t Have to Mean a Dotcom Crash Landing
June 27, 2022  |  Connected Economy

Spanish-born, Harvard educated professor and philosopher George Santayana was a prolific writer, known best for his many aphorisms. Perhaps one of his best-known soundbites is...

Is Apple Pay Later Really a Threat to Affirm and Other BNPL Providers?
Is Apple Pay Later Really a Threat to Affirm and Other BNPL Providers?
June 13, 2022  |  Apple Pay

Apple’s Project Breakout finally broke out a week ago today at Apple’s WWDC. It was then that Apple confirmed what was probably one of the...

Revised Census Data Shows eCommerce Share Didn’t Plummet After All
Revised Census Data Shows eCommerce Share Didn’t Plummet After All
May 23, 2022  |  eCommerce

In 1986, Former President Ronald Regan said that the nine most terrifying words in the English language are, “I’m from the government, and I’m here...

RIP Digital Transformation, We Hardly Knew Ya
RIP Digital Transformation, We Hardly Knew Ya
May 16, 2022  |  Connected Economy

It’s over. It’s done. Stick a fork in it. All those digital habits that consumers developed and fine-tuned over the last two years — they...