KLW Commentary

Buy Now, Pay Later Is Having Its Kleenex Moment
Buy Now, Pay Later Is Having Its Kleenex Moment
October 23, 2023  |  BNPL

Kimberly Clark introduced Kleenex in 1924 as a product used by movie stars instead of face cloths to remove their makeup and keep their skin...

Why Consumers Don’t Care About Monthly CPI – and Why it Matters
Why Consumers Don’t Care About Monthly CPI – and Why it Matters
October 09, 2023  |  Consumer Insights

No one really knows the origin of the phrase “seeing is believing.” The Oxford Dictionary traces its English language roots to 1609. Others say that...

The Great Connected Consumer Paradox
The Great Connected Consumer Paradox
October 03, 2023  |  Connected Economy

It has been reported that by 2010, cable television in the U.S. had sort of hit its stride. Analysts report that 90% of homes with...

What Early Warning’s Paze Has in Common With Amazon’s Fire Phone
What Early Warning’s Paze Has in Common With Amazon’s Fire Phone
September 25, 2023  |  Mobile Wallets

In June of 2014, Amazon launched the Fire phone. Priced at $650 and offered exclusively by AT&T, the phone’s big selling point was its “Dynamic...

Why the Digital Transformation Needs a Reset
Why the Digital Transformation Needs a Reset
September 18, 2023  |  Connected Economy

Warren Buffet is reported to have said that digital transformation is a fundamental reality of business today.  McKinsey says that 70% of digital transformation projects...