large language model

OpenAI Explores Share Sale at $90 Billion Valuation
OpenAI Explores Share Sale at $90 Billion Valuation
September 26, 2023  |  artificial intelligence

OpenAI is reportedly exploring a share sale that could value it at $90 billion. The ChatGPT-maker is in discussions with investors about the sale, The Wall...

Amazon Makes Alexa More Human-Like to Increase VoiceTech Adoption 
Amazon Makes Alexa More Human-Like to Increase VoiceTech Adoption 
September 20, 2023  |  Amazon

Amazon aspires for Alexa to be an integral part of the consumer’s household.   During its product launch on Wednesday (Sept 20), Amazon unveiled enhancements to...

Generative AI’s Biggest Impact May Be as a Specialist
Generative AI’s Biggest Impact May Be as a Specialist
August 24, 2023  |  artificial intelligence

General-purpose innovations can often fall into the solution-in-search-of-a-problem trap.  After all, to a hammer everything looks like a nail. And to large language models (LLMs), everything might...

How Not to Become Just Another Gen AI Platform
How Not to Become Just Another Gen AI Platform
August 21, 2023  |  artificial intelligence

Experimenting with the potentially disruptive use cases of generative artificial intelligence (AI) is relatively easy. It’s taking those use cases and scaling them up across...

Is Going for Broke With ChatGPT Bankrupting Sam Altman’s OpenAI? 
Is Going for Broke With ChatGPT Bankrupting Sam Altman’s OpenAI? 
August 16, 2023  |  artificial intelligence

A promise of generative artificial intelligence (AI) is its potential to cut costs. Unfortunately, the realities of the unit economics inherent to building and running...

OpenAI Suggests Companies Use GPT-4 for Content Moderation
OpenAI Suggests Companies Use GPT-4 for Content Moderation
August 15, 2023  |  artificial intelligence

OpenAI said companies can use its latest large language model (LLM), GPT-4, to develop artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted content moderation systems. Using GPT-4, companies can perform...

AI Regulations Need to Target Data Provenance and Protect Privacy
AI Regulations Need to Target Data Provenance and Protect Privacy
April 11, 2023  |  artificial intelligence

The speed with which AI is radically transforming global economies has not escaped regulators’ attention. As fears continue to grow over the potential use-case implications...