large language models

ChatGPT’s Numbers Dip After Peaking in June
ChatGPT’s Numbers Dip After Peaking in June
July 09, 2023  |  artificial intelligence

OpenAI’s ChatGPT has begun to lose users, though it’s not quite clear why. A Friday (July 7) report by the Washington Post, citing numbers from data...

The Cost of Doing AI Business
The Cost of Doing AI Business
July 08, 2023  |  Artificial Intelligence

While the potential of generative artificial intelligence (AI) may seem limitless, the computing power it requires could present limitations. One estimate places the cost of...

Moving Past the Shiny Newness of Generative AI
Moving Past the Shiny Newness of Generative AI
July 07, 2023  |  Artificial Intelligence

Generative AI is increasingly popular, but business leaders looking to stay in front of the wave will need to pay attention to avoiding being run...

Generative AI’s Future Will Be as the Ultimate Human Sidekick, Says Foundation Capital’s Iyengar
Generative AI’s Future Will Be as the Ultimate Human Sidekick, Says Foundation Capital’s Iyengar
July 06, 2023  |  Artificial Intelligence

A Google survey found that approximately 40% of executives said adopting generative artificial intelligence (AI) is an urgent need. However, many of these same executives...

Amazon Taps Cloud Dominance for Edge in AI Arms Race
Amazon Taps Cloud Dominance for Edge in AI Arms Race
June 30, 2023  |  Artificial Intelligence

Technology drives growth, and the pace of change is accelerating. That’s why, despite no clear regulatory framework, the world’s biggest tech firms aren’t about to...

Report: Publishers Considering Coalition to Combat AI Use of Content
Report: Publishers Considering Coalition to Combat AI Use of Content
June 28, 2023  |  artificial intelligence

News and magazine publishers are reportedly looking to protect their business from artificial intelligence (AI) companies. Several publishers are considering banding together to address the...

Google’s Latest AI Plans: Incorporating AI into 25 Products
Google’s Latest AI Plans: Incorporating AI into 25 Products
May 31, 2023  |  artificial intelligence

Google has been making waves in the tech industry with its latest artificial intelligence (AI) plans, which include integrating AI into 25 products, such as...

Google Challenger Neeva Focuses on AI With ‘No Path’ for Consumer Search
Google Challenger Neeva Focuses on AI With ‘No Path’ for Consumer Search
May 21, 2023  |  artificial intelligence

Search company Neeva is shuttering its consumer search engine to focus on artificial intelligence (AI). Writing on the company’s blog Saturday, founders Sridhar Ramaswamy and Vivek Raghunathan noted a number of...

SoundHound CEO: Conversational AI Radically Changes Consumer Expectation for Voice Assistants
SoundHound CEO: Conversational AI Radically Changes Consumer Expectation for Voice Assistants
March 28, 2023  |  artificial intelligence

The contemporary artificial intelligence (AI) gold rush is already transforming industries across the global economy. Now, businesses are looking to transform the AI economy. Keyvan...