
A lender is an individual, a public or private group, or a financial institution that makes funds available to another with the expectation that the funds will be repaid. In finance, a loan is the lending of money by one or more individuals, organizations, or other entities to other individuals, organizations etc. The recipient incurs a debt and is usually liable to pay interest on that debt until it is repaid as well as to repay the principal amount borrowed.

(source: en.wikipedia.org)

Everyone Hates Payday Lenders And Check Cashers (Except The People Who Use Them)
Everyone Hates Payday Lenders And Check Cashers (Except The People Who Use Them)
June 27, 2017  |  Loans

Everyone hates consumer lenders — politicians, consumer groups, prayer circles — except the people who use them. They tend to like the products — and...

Big Banks Back Away From Auto Loans
Big Banks Back Away From Auto Loans
May 30, 2017  |  Loans

Big banks are pulling back from the $1.2 trillion U.S. car loan market due to fears that consumers have taken on more debt than they...

CFPB Slams Online Lenders
CFPB Slams Online Lenders
April 28, 2017  |  CFPB

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) just recently filed suit against four online lenders for allegedly collecting on consumer debts they were not legally owed....

Helping Investors Avoid The Lending Club Trap
Helping Investors Avoid The Lending Club Trap
April 26, 2017  |  Loans

Transparency cures all ills — especially in the online lending space where investors need certainty the pools of debt they’re buying are as represented. Global...

Max Levchin And Building Truly Honest Finance Products
Max Levchin And Building Truly Honest Finance Products
April 12, 2017  |  Loans

In February 2013, Max Levchin launched Affirm — a point-of-sale (POS) lender that would provide creditworthy millennials, who lacked credit cards and credit scores, the ability...

InvestmentBank.com Launches New Service To Help Lenders Bank Roll M&A
InvestmentBank.com Launches New Service To Help Lenders Bank Roll M&A
April 11, 2017  |  Partnerships / Acquisitions

InvestmentBank.com, a provider of M&A advisory solutions for middle-market businesses in the United States, announced Monday (April 10) a new service geared toward institutional debt lenders looking...

Vyze’s Grip Narrows The Gap Between Retailers And Lenders
Vyze’s Grip Narrows The Gap Between Retailers And Lenders
March 21, 2017  |  Retail

Would you buy a product that only worked half the time? Vyze CMO Doug Filak told PYMNTS at IP 2017 that retailers can boost their...

FICO’s New Groove
FICO’s New Groove
March 14, 2017  |  Consumer Finance

About half of all Americans who took the SAT still remember their score 25 years later. Only about 40 percent of Americans, on the other...

Online Payday Lenders Pay Up Over Deceptive Fees
Online Payday Lenders Pay Up Over Deceptive Fees
January 06, 2016  |  News

A duo of payday lenders have settled charges from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) that they charged consumers in the United States for fees that...