Defaulting on student debt has never been a good idea. The collection process is intense and one’s credit rating will be utterly ravaged for a...
LendingHome, the San Francisco mortgage company, is aiming to expand its market for loans by going after first-time homebuyers. According to a report in TechCrunch, LendingHome...
There’s the saying that “money is the root of all evil.” One area where most people are likely to believe that’s true is when it...
Zopa, the U.K.’s oldest marketplace lender, announced on Monday (Jan. 30) that it has become the first peer-to-peer lending platform to reach a $2.5 billion origination...
The problem, according to Rod Buscher, CEO and founder of Blinker, is that most Americans need a car — meaning they often don’t feel they have...
The sixth annual Financially Underserved Market Size report found that 67 million adults in the U.S. who bank are part of the underserved market. They don’t...
Cruciferous vegetables are hearty and packed full of fiber and vitamins. So when your financial tech company shares a similar name with the cabbage variety,...
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau said on Thursday (July 14) that it had marked its fifth anniversary by outlining five ways it has made a difference...