
Lyft, Inc. is a ridesharing company based in San Francisco, California and operating in 640 cities in the United States and 9 cities in Canada. It develops, markets, and operates the Lyft mobile app, offering car rides, scooters, and a bicycle-sharing system.


Lyft’s Game Plan For Corporate Travel
Lyft’s Game Plan For Corporate Travel
June 09, 2016  |  B2B Payments

As of last April, ridesharing app Lyft accounted for 1 percent of corporate use of this kind of service. It’s by no means a threatening...

How Walmart Is Using Uber/Lyft To Compete With Amazon Fresh
How Walmart Is Using Uber/Lyft To Compete With Amazon Fresh
June 03, 2016  |  Merchant Innovation

When the going gets tough, the tough get creative. And ever since Amazon stole the top retailer in the world by market cap crown, the...

The Regulation Iceman Commeth For The On-Demand Economy
The Regulation Iceman Commeth For The On-Demand Economy
May 26, 2016  |  Regulation

Sometimes slow news is good news for a sector, particularly one like the on-demand delivery market space, where recent news has surrounded a wave of firms flaming...

Lyft Testing Trip Scheduling
Lyft Testing Trip Scheduling
May 24, 2016  |  Mobile Commerce

Ride-hailing service Lyft announced on Monday (May 23) that it will begin testing a capability that allows riders to plan trips at least 24 hours...

All Quiet On The Unicorn Front
All Quiet On The Unicorn Front
May 19, 2016  |  Payment Methods

No new unicorns, no downrounds, but some hints of turbulence on the regulatory front. Plus, Donald Trump weighs in on the tech bubble.

Background Check Laws Push Uber, Lyft From Austin
Background Check Laws Push Uber, Lyft From Austin
May 09, 2016  |  Regulation

There are threats, and then, there are threats that get backed up. Engadget reported on Sunday (May 8) that Uber and Lyft have decided to make...

Will Riding Be The New Driving?
Will Riding Be The New Driving?
April 28, 2016  |  Retail

Driving — it’s the worst, right? You’re just trying to get from point A to point B and all of a sudden you’re in traffic,...