Main Street

The three million businesses that line the main streets and side streets of the local economies. These businesses are diverse and include retail shops, small grocery stores, personal services such as hair and nail salons and spas, hardware stores, local contractors, restaurants, trade services such as plumbers and electricians, and small manufacturers and wholesalers. The health of these businesses is directly related to the health of the local economies in which they operate, which is why their success is vital to the communities they serve.
Why Securing Payments is a Big Deal for Small Businesses 
Why Securing Payments is a Big Deal for Small Businesses 
April 30, 2024  |  SMBs

There are nearly as many ways to pay and be paid as there are types of small businesses.  But there’s one common thread connecting both...

The State of Main Street Heading Into Small Business Week
The State of Main Street Heading Into Small Business Week
April 26, 2024  |  SMBs

Despite the moniker attached to their segment, small businesses loom large in the American economy.  And with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) celebrating National Small...

Upcoming Data Reporting Requirements Could Shape Small Business Lending’s Future
Upcoming Data Reporting Requirements Could Shape Small Business Lending’s Future
April 16, 2024  |  Loans

Main Street businesses represent the backbone of both the American economy and their local communities. And with the news on Tuesday (April 16) that Rapid...

4 in 10 Omnichannel SMBs Use eCommerce to Reach New Markets
4 in 10 Omnichannel SMBs Use eCommerce to Reach New Markets
April 11, 2024  |  SMBs

As small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) on Main Street, USA increasingly make their offerings available online, many are looking to digital channels to expand to...

Big Banks: Commercial Lending Losses Creep Up, Deposits Decline Slightly
Big Banks: Commercial Lending Losses Creep Up, Deposits Decline Slightly
January 15, 2024  |  Banking

The initial headlines and initial takes on big bank earnings may have focused on the state of the consumer, on card spending, especially. But there’s...

Private Credit Booms as Main Street Firms Seek Capital Access 
Private Credit Booms as Main Street Firms Seek Capital Access 
January 15, 2024  |  SMBs

For corporates, especially smaller Main Street businesses, private credit (aka private debt) appears as an avenue through which they can get the capital they need....

Online Sales Led Increased Revenue Expectations for Main Street SMBs in 2023
Online Sales Led Increased Revenue Expectations for Main Street SMBs in 2023
January 11, 2024  |  SMBs

With prices at high levels most of the year and with the overall economy recording moderate growth, 2023 was a challenging year for businesses, especially...

72% of Main Street SMBs Prioritize Ease of Use When Selecting Payment Processor
72% of Main Street SMBs Prioritize Ease of Use When Selecting Payment Processor
January 05, 2024  |  SMBs

Whether it’s a quaint local shop, a cozy diner, or a busy salon, payment processors form the backbone of financial operations for small- t0 medium-sized...

7 in 10 Main Street SMBs Use the Same eCommerce Platforms
7 in 10 Main Street SMBs Use the Same eCommerce Platforms
January 04, 2024  |  eCommerce

An online presence is a must for any business today, and online sales require a platform that allows consumers to have an easy, quick and...