
Meeting SMBs Halfway In Their AP Transformations
Meeting SMBs Halfway In Their AP Transformations
June 24, 2020  |  B2B Payments

Whether it’s to support a work-from-home environment or to limit physical contact with paper surfaces, migrating accounts payable (AP) operations to the cloud is a...

Medius Brings SMB Invoice Automation Offering To US Market
Medius Brings SMB Invoice Automation Offering To US Market
June 17, 2020  |  B2B Payments

To provide small companies with accounts payable (AP) automation, Medius is bringing its MediusGo invoice automation product to the American market. The cloud-based spend management...

Medius Augments AP Offering With Wax Digital Takeover
Medius Augments AP Offering With Wax Digital Takeover
November 20, 2019  |  B2B Payments

Accounts payable automation company Medius is expanding into the eProcurement arena with the takeover of Wax Digital. The companies announced their deal in a press...