Mike Lemberger

Big Innovations Powering Small Business Growth Dominate This Week in B2B
Big Innovations Powering Small Business Growth Dominate This Week in B2B
May 02, 2024  |  B2B Payments

It is National Small Business Week in the U.S., and the spotlight is on business-to-business (B2B) innovation.  That’s why PYMNTS spent Monday (April 29) unpacking how small businesses...

Visa Stresses Education as Small Businesses Confront Fraud Vulnerabilities
Visa Stresses Education as Small Businesses Confront Fraud Vulnerabilities
May 02, 2024  |  Fraud Attack

Most crimes, as the saying goes, are crimes of opportunity. And that’s bad news for small businesses, whose lack of resources and challenges when accessing...

Visa Wants to Eliminate Friendly Fraud Without Alienating Honest Consumers 
Visa Wants to Eliminate Friendly Fraud Without Alienating Honest Consumers 
January 09, 2024  |  Fraud Prevention

Friendly fraud is a bit of a misnomer; first-party card misuse would be more accurate. That’s because, just like other types of fraud and cybercrime, friendly...

Visa: Compelling Evidence 3.0 Will Blunt ‘Friendly’ Fraud
Visa: Compelling Evidence 3.0 Will Blunt ‘Friendly’ Fraud
April 17, 2023  |  Security & Fraud

Transaction disputes are massing across digital channels. Mike Lemberger, head of risk for North America at Visa, told PYMNTS that friendly fraud, also known as...