
Millennials, also known as Generation Y, are the demographic cohort following Generation X and preceding Generation Z. Researchers and popular media use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years, with 1981 to 1996 a widely accepted definition.


Why the Fed Underestimates the Pressures of the Paycheck-to-Paycheck Economy
Why the Fed Underestimates the Pressures of the Paycheck-to-Paycheck Economy
July 25, 2023  |  Consumer Finance

Amber Carroll, senior vice president of membership and lifecycle strategy at LendingClub, told PYMNTS that the Federal Reserve’s long-quoted stat on financial well-being could use...

Amex: Card Spending by Gen Z and Millennials Surges 21%
Amex: Card Spending by Gen Z and Millennials Surges 21%
July 21, 2023  |  Earnings

For American Express, the momentum lies with younger consumers. Results posted by the company on Friday (July 21) show that younger generations’ spending surged double...

Data and Better Loan Terms Help Credit Unions Win Millennial Business
Data and Better Loan Terms Help Credit Unions Win Millennial Business
July 17, 2023  |  Credit Unions

As inflation remains stubbornly in place and credit gets ever more expensive, credit unions may have a secret weapon. Scott Young, managing VP of Emerging...

Storing Payments Credentials Online Bothers Millennials More Than Gen X Shoppers
Storing Payments Credentials Online Bothers Millennials More Than Gen X Shoppers
July 14, 2023  |  Digital Payments

As consumers look to stored credentials to make their payment experiences easier, the majority are actually finding the capability comes with its own pain points....

60% of Millennials Are Interested in BNPL Plans From Their Banks
60% of Millennials Are Interested in BNPL Plans From Their Banks
July 13, 2023  |  Buy Now Pay Later

Buy now, pay later (BNPL) plans seem to be everywhere, but the greenfield opportunity remains relatively untapped. In “Banking on Buy Now, Pay Later: Installment...

Millennials Increase eGrocery Adoption While Gen Z Pulls Back 
Millennials Increase eGrocery Adoption While Gen Z Pulls Back 
July 12, 2023  |  eCommerce

Consumers overall may be increasing their digital engagement with grocers, but Gen Z is bucking the trend, pulling back. By the Numbers Additional research from...

The Great Remote Workforce Divide Gets Wider
The Great Remote Workforce Divide Gets Wider
July 11, 2023  |  Consumer Insights

This next installment of PYMNTS’ mini-series on consumer behaviors popularized during the pandemic demonstrates that workers may be in no rush to return to the...

Millennials Say Yes to Super Apps, Baby Boomers Not So Sure
Millennials Say Yes to Super Apps, Baby Boomers Not So Sure
July 10, 2023  |  Connected Economy

Many tech providers around the world are looking to unify disparate digital activities into all-in-one mobile platforms, and millennials are eager to get on board....

Savings Cushion Keeps Financially Secure Consumers Spending
Savings Cushion Keeps Financially Secure Consumers Spending
July 05, 2023  |  Consumer Insights

The paycheck economy faces many challenges. But a deeper dive into the data shows that non-paycheck-to-paycheck consumers — representing about 40% of the population —...