Ransomware Attacks Spotlight Need for FIs to Gauge Third-Party Risk 
Ransomware Attacks Spotlight Need for FIs to Gauge Third-Party Risk 
January 24, 2024  |  Security & Fraud

The fraudsters grow ever-wilier, the attacks more brazen. And effective. A blog post this week from the Atlanta Federal Reserve noted that “at least” 60 credit...

Emerging Market FinTechs Poised to Drive Innovation and Inclusion in 2024
Emerging Market FinTechs Poised to Drive Innovation and Inclusion in 2024
December 28, 2023  |  Fintech Investments

In 2023, the FinTech landscape experienced a transformative surge of innovations, reshaping financial technology from its core. These advancements, spanning cutting-edge technologies and the evolution...

Good vs. Bad: Fraud Losses at FIs Up 65% as Both Sides Turn to AI
Good vs. Bad: Fraud Losses at FIs Up 65% as Both Sides Turn to AI
December 14, 2023  |  Digital-First Banking

Fraud and financial crime remain challenging for financial institutions (FIs), even as fraud rates have remained high for many of them in 2023 relative to...

FIs Depend on AI/ML Partners to Fight Next-Gen Fraudsters
FIs Depend on AI/ML Partners to Fight Next-Gen Fraudsters
December 06, 2023  |  Fraud Prevention

PYMNTS Intelligence recently found that more than 40% of financial institutions (FIs) see increasing fraud and financial crime. This advancing wave likely poses a significant...

IBM, Meta Launch 50+ Member Alliance Promoting Open-Source AI Development 
IBM, Meta Launch 50+ Member Alliance Promoting Open-Source AI Development 
December 05, 2023  |  artificial intelligence

How do you safely develop and responsibly profit from an innovation like artificial intelligence (AI)? This ongoing question has prompted the sudden proliferation of committees and forums...

When There Is No FICO: AI and ML Transform Emerging Market Lending
When There Is No FICO: AI and ML Transform Emerging Market Lending
December 05, 2023  |  Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are no longer emerging technologies. The innovations have officially arrived, and they are already having an impact around...

Humanity to OpenAI Board: You’re Fired!
Humanity to OpenAI Board: You’re Fired!
November 22, 2023  |  David S. Evans

Governance is back in the news with the OpenAI debacle.   The Governance Lessons of Brexit and Bitcoin   The last time I wrote about governance was...

Connatix CFO: Collaboration and Trust Are Redefining B2B Payments Innovation
Connatix CFO: Collaboration and Trust Are Redefining B2B Payments Innovation
November 14, 2023  |  B2B Payments

Lately, it seems each new day brings another advancement in the payments world.  And increasingly, those exciting advances and innovations are impacting the world of...

75% of AP Teams Reported Processing More Invoices Last Quarter
75% of AP Teams Reported Processing More Invoices Last Quarter
October 31, 2023  |  Accounts Payable

Accounts payable (AP) staff have been working extra hours as they use legacy and manual procedures to handle a growing number of invoices. Seventy-five percent...