Online return fees appear to be both a blessing and a curse for retailers. While charging shoppers for sending back items has reduced returns, a report Thursday...
The Federal Reserve will meet Wednesday (Oct. 25) to tackle merchant debit card fees. As a report by Reuters notes, analysts expect the central bank will propose...
Debit interchange fees may see a revamp — a refashioning of the charges levied on merchants, the likes of which has not been seen in...
Shares in Visa and Mastercard took a hit on Wednesday (Oct. 18) as news broke that the Federal Reserve is expected to propose a reduction in the fees banks can charge retailers for...
Retail crime isn’t solely affecting the United States; it’s also a burgeoning concern on the other side of the Atlantic. On Sunday (Oct 1), 88...
Retail crime has become a growing concern for retailers in the United States, with incidents on the rise and significant financial losses being incurred. Shrink...
Retailers are contending with a growing amount of violence along with the existing challenge of shoplifting. In two recent incidents, employees at retail stores were...
“It’s more than shoplifting. It’s organized retail theft,” PYMNTS said at the end of May and it’s an issue that lives on. U.S. retailers are still...
Retailers and trade associations across the country are pushing for state and federal laws to impose harsher penalties for those engaging in organized retail crime....