New Orleans

Fraudsters Try New Spins On The BEC Scam
Fraudsters Try New Spins On The BEC Scam
January 27, 2020  |  B2B Payments

The Business Email Compromise (BEC) continues to evolve. Fraudsters are adding new twists to what has become an increasingly common scam targeting businesses’ B2B payments...

DocuSign Wages War On Phishing
DocuSign Wages War On Phishing
January 23, 2020  |  Fraud Prevention

More than 4.1 billion consumer accounts fell victim to data breaches during the first half of 2019 — to the tune of $4 million in...

New Orleans Hack Causes Vendor Payment Delays
New Orleans Hack Causes Vendor Payment Delays
January 19, 2020  |  B2B Payments

The computer system at New Orleans City Hall is still on the fritz following a cyberattack on Dec. 13 that has stalled vendor payments. It...

New Orleans City Services Hit With Cyberattacks
New Orleans City Services Hit With Cyberattacks
December 13, 2019  |  Security & Fraud

Louisiana’s biggest city, New Orleans, home to one of the country’s biggest ports, has been hit with a series of cyberattacks that have been spreading...

Smaller US Cities Foster More Payments Innovation
Smaller US Cities Foster More Payments Innovation
May 16, 2019  |  Innovation

The next chapter in the history of digital payments and commerce is being written in technology incubators – but not only those shops run by...

Food Pop-Ups Move Up To Retail’s Adult Table
Food Pop-Ups Move Up To Retail’s Adult Table
December 21, 2018  |  Retail

About 1,200 miles, one time zone and significant differences in climate and culture separate New Orleans and Philadelphia, but on Monday and Tuesday nights, that...

Tech Center: New Orleans’ Burgeoning Tech Sector
Tech Center: New Orleans’ Burgeoning Tech Sector
May 18, 2017  |  Tech Center

Laissez les bons temps rouler, indeed! New Orleans, a.k.a. the Big Easy, is widely known as a go-to party city for people from all over...