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States Tighten Data Privacy Laws In Response to Evolving Digital Challenges
States Tighten Data Privacy Laws In Response to Evolving Digital Challenges
April 15, 2024  |  Data

California’s landmark privacy legislation, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which grants consumers the legal authority to instruct businesses not to sell their data, has...

What Generation Z Wants From Their Bank
What Generation Z Wants From Their Bank
April 15, 2024  |  Banking

There are 69 million consumers in the U.S. who are between the ages of 12 and 27. They are described as the first digitally-native generation...

Apple Dethroned by Samsung as Smartphone Market Recovers
Apple Dethroned by Samsung as Smartphone Market Recovers
April 15, 2024  |  Mobile

Apple’s reign as the world’s top smartphone maker was short-lived. The iPhone maker supplanted Samsung late last year as the number-one seller of the devices,...

Cisco’s AI Chief Says Technology Will Enhance Workplace Productivity
Cisco’s AI Chief Says Technology Will Enhance Workplace Productivity
April 15, 2024  |  artificial intelligence

From enhancing productivity and efficiency to revolutionizing customer experiences, artificial intelligence (AI) could reshape the future of work and commerce. PYMNTS interviewed Javed Khan, senior vice president and...

Lack of Working Capital Hinders Mid-Market Performance in APAC
Lack of Working Capital Hinders Mid-Market Performance in APAC
April 15, 2024  |  Spend Management

The Asia-Pacific (APAC) region contributed roughly two-thirds of global growth last year. PYMNTS Intelligence recently studied Growth Corporates, or mid-market firms, in the APAC region...

Pitney Bowes EVP Connects Robotics to Last-Mile Logistics
Pitney Bowes EVP Connects Robotics to Last-Mile Logistics
April 15, 2024  |  Shipping

In the shipping and logistics space, preferences among clients vary widely: some favor national services while others opt for smaller regional solutions that promise rapid...

CE 100 Index Slips 2% as Bank Earnings Spark Decline
CE 100 Index Slips 2% as Bank Earnings Spark Decline
April 15, 2024  |  Connected Economy

Earnings season has begun, and at least initially, investors seemed nonplussed. Despite resilient consumer spending, inflation’s sticky too — and pressures are evident in the...

Google Halts Links to California News Sites
Google Halts Links to California News Sites
April 14, 2024  |  Google

Google is pulling links to California news sites ahead of pending news-focused legislation. That bill, dubbed the California Journalism Preservation Act (CJPA), would require Google to...

BarkBox Service Lets Well-Heeled Dogs Fly in Style
BarkBox Service Lets Well-Heeled Dogs Fly in Style
April 14, 2024  |  Subscription Commerce

No pet parent relishes the idea of their dog traveling in a plane’s cargo hold. A new service by subscription dog treat company BarkBox aims to...