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4 in 10 Omnichannel SMBs Use eCommerce to Reach New Markets
4 in 10 Omnichannel SMBs Use eCommerce to Reach New Markets
April 11, 2024  |  SMBs

As small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) on Main Street, USA increasingly make their offerings available online, many are looking to digital channels to expand to...

Spreedly Enables Mobile Wallet Transactions on Olo’s Hospitality Platform
Spreedly Enables Mobile Wallet Transactions on Olo’s Hospitality Platform
April 11, 2024  |  ResTech

Olo has selected Spreedly to enable mobile wallet transactions for restaurants that use Olo’s software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform for the hospitality industry. Spreedly’s open payments platform will enable the...

Consumers Demand Deals on Big-Ticket Items Amid Economic Uncertainty
Consumers Demand Deals on Big-Ticket Items Amid Economic Uncertainty
April 11, 2024  |  Retail

With ongoing financial challenges constraining shoppers’ purchasing power, furniture companies’ recent earnings reports show that consumers may not be willing to buy, say, a new...

Nuvei Launches Invoice Financing Service Integrated With Leading ERP Systems
Nuvei Launches Invoice Financing Service Integrated With Leading ERP Systems
April 11, 2024  |  Accounts Receivable

Nuvei has launched a service that enables merchants to access its Invoice Financing solutions directly within their enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. With this service,...

CFPB and EU Eye Consumer Risks of BNPL, AI and Digital Payments
CFPB and EU Eye Consumer Risks of BNPL, AI and Digital Payments
April 11, 2024  |  CFPB

Consumer protection officials for the United States and the European Commission have met to discuss three shared priorities: buy now, pay later (BNPL), digital payments...

Amazon CEO Shareholder Letter Goes Big on AI and AWS
Amazon CEO Shareholder Letter Goes Big on AI and AWS
April 11, 2024  |  Amazon

Amazon CEO Andy Jassy published his 2023 Letter to Shareholders Thursday (April 11), outlining how the company is changing and its goals for the future. It’s a 28-minute read by...

Goldman Sachs Appoints Investor Relations Head Carey Halio as Global Treasurer
Goldman Sachs Appoints Investor Relations Head Carey Halio as Global Treasurer
April 11, 2024  |  Personnel

Goldman Sachs has promoted its chief strategy officer and global head of investor relations, Carey Halio, to global treasurer. Halio will also become a member of the...

Making Sense of How Firms Are Leveraging Real-Time Data
Making Sense of How Firms Are Leveraging Real-Time Data
April 11, 2024  |  Data

An uncertain operating environment calls for controlling what is controllable. And with Mastercard’s reshuffling of its executive team on Tuesday (April 9) to add a data team,...

Mimo Launches Financial Management Platform for Small Businesses, Accountants
Mimo Launches Financial Management Platform for Small Businesses, Accountants
April 11, 2024  |  B2B Payments

Mimo raised 15.5 million pounds (about $19.4 million) to launch its financial management platform for small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and accountants. The platform helps these...