online shopping

Save time and money while satisfying all your fashion, clothing and accessory needs by visiting these best online shopping sites.

Local Retailers, Surviving or Dying in Retail’s Evolution?
Local Retailers, Surviving or Dying in Retail’s Evolution?
August 10, 2017  |  Retail

At the basic level of retail industry chatter online, much of the focus is on the battle between brick-and-mortar versus eCommerce. While the closing of...

Most US Consumers Don’t Shop Online For Groceries
Most US Consumers Don’t Shop Online For Groceries
August 10, 2017  |  Retail

Online sales may be skyrocketing, but when it comes to shopping online for groceries, eCommerce is still just scratching the surface. That’s according to American-based...

Amazon Takes On Back-To-School Shopping Sales
Amazon Takes On Back-To-School Shopping Sales
August 09, 2017  |  Retail

Pencils, notebooks and crayons are on the shopping list for many kids as they get ready for the upcoming school year. As parents begin back-to-school shopping for...

AI/BOTS: Consumer Behavior Transformation Via AI
AI/BOTS: Consumer Behavior Transformation Via AI
August 08, 2017  |  Retail

Gone are the days of mom-and-pop stores where the owner behind the counter knew what the customer wanted before he or she even spoke. Rather...

The Buyers: Senior Citizens, The Forgotten Consumer?
The Buyers: Senior Citizens, The Forgotten Consumer?
July 14, 2017  |  Retail

Shaping the future of retail is not a concept that shoots to the top of the list when the industry thinks of senior citizens. When...

Pepsi, Coca-Cola And Others Must Refresh Their Strategy In Changing Retail World
Pepsi, Coca-Cola And Others Must Refresh Their Strategy In Changing Retail World
July 13, 2017  |  Retail

Things aren’t so bubbly for PepsiCo and other drink and snack giants. Shifting consumer habits have left traditional retail with less and less to stand...

Christmas In July Starts Early For Amazon Prime Members
Christmas In July Starts Early For Amazon Prime Members
July 06, 2017  |  Amazon

On the first day of Prime Week, Alexa gave to me 100 exclusive deals on Amazon’s Echo, Echo Dot, Echo Show, Tap, Fire TV and...

The Connected Commerce Network Effect
The Connected Commerce Network Effect
July 06, 2017  |  Internet of Things

The world’s not ready for the Internet of Things (IoT). Oh, consumers are excited, and they have embraced connected commerce with both thumbs — and their...

How Porch Pirates Subtly Steer E-commerce
How Porch Pirates Subtly Steer E-commerce
June 22, 2017  |  eCommerce

While we tend to associate high-tech fraud with eCommerce thieves, as it turns out, it’s a big ecosystem with room enough for good old-fashioned, smash-and-grab...