
Oracle Adds Invoice Finance Firm Previse To Startup Ecosystem
Oracle Adds Invoice Finance Firm Previse To Startup Ecosystem
December 06, 2018  |  B2B Payments

Enterprise technology conglomerate Oracle is giving a B2B FinTech a boost of support through its startup mentorship program. Invoice finance and supplier payments company Previse...

Bitcoin Daily: Oracle Unveils ‘Blockchain Applications Cloud’; Coinbase And Circle Start ‘CENTRE Consortium’
Bitcoin Daily: Oracle Unveils ‘Blockchain Applications Cloud’; Coinbase And Circle Start ‘CENTRE Consortium’
October 24, 2018  |  Bitcoin

HTC is bringing an early iteration of its Exodus 1 blockchain phone to “cryptographers and developers from all over the world,” according to reports. The...

Hackers Hit Local Government Payment Sites
Hackers Hit Local Government Payment Sites
September 20, 2018  |  Security & Fraud

A security firm has revealed that a payment portal used for local government services, such as paying for utilities and permits, has been targeted by...

Why Belgium Can Be A Good ‘Test Market’ For FinTech Firms
Why Belgium Can Be A Good ‘Test Market’ For FinTech Firms
August 16, 2018  |  International

Belgium, which is home to many European Union (EU) institutions, is also a burgeoning FinTech hub. The country has the fifth-highest number of FinTech deals...

Companies With Unpatched SAP, Oracle Software At Risk
Companies With Unpatched SAP, Oracle Software At Risk
July 26, 2018  |  Security & Fraud

More than a dozen government agencies and companies have been targeted by hackers who are using an old security hole in SAP and Oracle management...

Oracle Streamlines Corporate Bank Account Management
Oracle Streamlines Corporate Bank Account Management
July 25, 2018  |  B2B Payments

Oracle Financial Services recently announced the launch of a platform designed for corporate banking customers that are in need of consolidated, streamlined views of their...

Investments, Blockchain Dominate Payments Infrastructure Headlines
Investments, Blockchain Dominate Payments Infrastructure Headlines
July 19, 2018  |  B2B Payments

If dog days of summer are upon us, payments infrastructure deals and initiatives show little torpor from the heat. To that end, PPRO Group, based...

Oracle’s Blockchain Service Goes Live
Oracle’s Blockchain Service Goes Live
July 17, 2018  |  B2B Payments

Oracle’s new blockchain service for the enterprise is now live, reports in Fortune said Monday (July 16). The enterprise technology conglomerate has released its solution...

Oracle Brings FinTech Program To Brussels, Blockchain Poised For Growth In India
Oracle Brings FinTech Program To Brussels, Blockchain Poised For Growth In India
June 28, 2018  |  Global Payments

Welcome to The Axis, your late look at payments news from around the world. Coverage includes Oracle’s decision to bring its FinTech Innovation Program to Brussels....