Overdraft Fee

CFPB Looks To Regulate Overdrafts In 2017
CFPB Looks To Regulate Overdrafts In 2017
January 03, 2017  |  CFPB

The CFPB is casting a critical eye on overdraft fees charged by banks — despite facing an uncertain future in the Trump administration. The Dodd-Frank-enabled consumer...

UK Regulator Puts Overdraft Fees Under A Microscope
UK Regulator Puts Overdraft Fees Under A Microscope
July 21, 2016  |  International

The U.K.’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is looking to help combat the high fees associated with overdrafts. The watchdog’s CEO, Andrew Bailey, said on Wednesday...

Who Bank Overdraft Fees Hurt Most
Who Bank Overdraft Fees Hurt Most
April 21, 2016  |  Consumer Finance

Overdraft protection is doing little to protect the best financial interests of young consumers and is forcing many to leave the banking system, Pew research has...