The largest public data breach ever has been discovered, according to Gizmodo. “Collection #1” has seen the exposure of nearly 773 million unique emails and...
Your clever password, dotted with capital letters, numbers and symbols isn’t so clever after all. The man who wrote the book on crafting uncrackable passwords...
While requiring users to update their passwords has been a longstanding data security practice, FTC Chief Technologist Lorrie Cranor suggests that new research shows the...
Passwords are a less than stellar way to keep consumers from online hacking harm. Instead, the Fast IDentity Online Alliance (aka FIDO) says that a...
Passwords are a less than stellar way to keep consumers from online hacking harm. Instead, the Fast Identity Online Alliance (aka FIDO) says that a...
A password management tool from security firm Trend Micro was found to be vulnerable to remote code execution. A Google Project Zero security team researcher...