
Stablecoin Issuer Paxos Lays Off 65 Employees
Stablecoin Issuer Paxos Lays Off 65 Employees
June 12, 2024  |  Cryptocurrency

Stablecoin issuer Paxos has laid off 65 people, amounting to about 20% of its workforce. These cuts come at a time when the company is...

PayPal Debuts Stablecoin Pegged to US Dollar
PayPal Debuts Stablecoin Pegged to US Dollar
August 07, 2023  |  Cryptocurrency

PayPal has introduced a U.S. dollar-pegged stablecoin amid new regulations around digital currencies. Announced Monday (Aug. 7), PayPal USD is “designed to contribute to the opportunity...

Report: Binance Vets Say Exchange Commingled Funds
Report: Binance Vets Say Exchange Commingled Funds
May 23, 2023  |  Cryptocurrency

Binance took to Twitter Tuesday (May 23) to attack reports that it commingled funds. Earlier Tuesday, Reuters issued a special report citing unidentified former company...

White House Economic Report Shifts Stance on Crypto From Neutral to Negative
White House Economic Report Shifts Stance on Crypto From Neutral to Negative
March 23, 2023  |  Cryptocurrency

It’s increasingly looking like the fed is trying to put the crypto sector to bed. This, as a new report authored by the White House Council...

Four Crypto-Related Firms Cut Ties With Silvergate Capital
Four Crypto-Related Firms Cut Ties With Silvergate Capital
March 02, 2023  |  Cryptocurrency

Four crypto-related firms said Thursday (March 2) that they are cutting ties with Silvergate Capital. The announcements made by Coinbase, Circle, Gemini and Paxos come a...

Regulators Clear Stablecoin Path for Reluctant Banks 
Regulators Clear Stablecoin Path for Reluctant Banks 
February 15, 2023  |  Payment Methods

The regulators’ crackdown may chill private firms’ clamor to mint and issue stablecoins. And pave the way for banks to take the lead in stablecoin...

SEC and NYDFS Heat Puts Binance-Branded Paxos Stablecoin on Ice 
SEC and NYDFS Heat Puts Binance-Branded Paxos Stablecoin on Ice 
February 13, 2023  |  Cryptocurrency

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is doubling down on its regulation-by-enforcement approach. It is also getting a little local help from the New...

Mastercard’s Crypto Arm Targets FIs Seeking Customer Trading Offerings
Mastercard’s Crypto Arm Targets FIs Seeking Customer Trading Offerings
October 25, 2022  |  Cryptocurrency

Mastercard moved into the business of providing the backend tools and support to let financial institutions offer retail customers white-label cryptocurrency trading and custody services...

Today in the Connected Economy: Mastercard, Paxos Help Banks Trade Crypto
Today in the Connected Economy: Mastercard, Paxos Help Banks Trade Crypto
October 17, 2022  |  Connected Economy

Today in the connected economy, Mastercard begins a new phase of its collaboration with cryptocurrency platform Paxos by offering banks help in improving their crypto...