Credit card debt is harder for younger consumers to handle amid the pressures of living paycheck to paycheck. To that end, the Urban Institute reported that...
Inflation and recession jitters are cutting into the spending of households that aren’t living paycheck-to-paycheck, a sign of growing uncertainty among those with disposable income...
Characterized by weakened spending power and mounting economic uncertainty, 2022 has been an economic roller coaster. Due to rising costs, growing numbers of consumers spend...
As inflation causes consumers to crimp spending, grocery shopping is seen coming out on top. With many consumers cutting out unnecessary purchases, the supermarket value...
By all accounts, American consumers are feeling the economic strain. More than half of Americans earning less than $50,000 annually are now living paycheck to...
Inflation is not only making life costly, it’s undercutting the financial goals of consumers. With the new year just around the corner, many U.S. consumers...
Declining package volumes in the latest FedEx earnings report stoked new concerns about discretionary spending. This was after the company reported its fiscal second-quarter earnings Tuesday (Dec...
Meeting short-term and long-term goals is proving onerous as savings rates decline. But the short term might prove especially hazardous for those of us —...
Colleges face a new financial hurdle: employers dropping degree requirements for prospective hires. Higher learning institutions are battling unprecedented pressure to maintain enrollment numbers. A...