payment processing

A payment processor is a company appointed by a merchant to handle transactions from various channels such as credit cards and debit cards for merchant acquiring banks. They are usually broken down into two types: front-end and back-end.


What Headwinds? B2B Digital Payments Shift Still Growing
What Headwinds? B2B Digital Payments Shift Still Growing
August 19, 2022  |  Digital Payments

Payment digitization continues its inexorable march to dominance. Lest one is tempted to think that momentum might have slowed after the pandemic served as an...

APIs Bring Much-Needed Payments and Payouts Relief to Africa’s Insurance Sector
APIs Bring Much-Needed Payments and Payouts Relief to Africa’s Insurance Sector
August 04, 2022  |  API

Money moves from a consumer to a business and often there’s a use case in which that needs to move back out whether as refunds,...

FIS Plans Expansions Into New Markets, Locations in 2022
FIS Plans Expansions Into New Markets, Locations in 2022
February 15, 2022  |  Earnings

FinTech platform FIS touted its expansion into new countries in 2021, and plans to keep expanding this year. The company, on an earnings call Tuesday...

Report: What Smaller Businesses Can Learn From Enterprise CFOs About Digital Payments
Report: What Smaller Businesses Can Learn From Enterprise CFOs About Digital Payments
January 14, 2022  |  Digital Payments

During the two years of disruption prompted by the pandemic, businesses of all sizes looked at the economic landscape and considered how they should respond...

B2B Payments Digital Makeover Must Include Clearing Payments Processing ‘Blind Spots’
B2B Payments Digital Makeover Must Include Clearing Payments Processing ‘Blind Spots’
June 29, 2021  |  B2B Payments

The way customers expect to receive and make payments presents one of the biggest challenges facing merchants, said VersaPay Executive Vice President of Payments Operations...

Why B2B Firms Must Take The Wheel In Payment Processing Strategy
Why B2B Firms Must Take The Wheel In Payment Processing Strategy
July 31, 2020  |  B2B Payments

In the midst of a surge of new software solutions and FinTech platforms available to B2B companies, the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system continues to...

DOJ Looks At Possible Wirecard Role In Purported $100M Bank Fraud
DOJ Looks At Possible Wirecard Role In Purported $100M Bank Fraud
July 08, 2020  |  Security & Fraud

Adding to the series of legal difficulties for Wirecard, the Justice Department is looking to see if the German payments company had an essential part in...

Audit: Wirecard Payments, Issuing Businesses Have Been Bleeding Cash For Years
Audit: Wirecard Payments, Issuing Businesses Have Been Bleeding Cash For Years
July 05, 2020  |  Security & Fraud

As details about the failed management of Wirecard AG unfold, it becomes clear that the company’s core business has been losing cash for years, the...