In the ongoing battle for grocery shelf space, consumers are increasingly seeking value. Grocers are eager to meet this demand, while also capitalizing on the...
There’s a battle brewing over shelf space in America’s grocery stores. As The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported Wednesday (Aug. 14), this conflict is being driven by...
As merchants step up their own-brand offerings, PYMNTS Intelligence research finds that across grocery and retail, millennials prove the most eager to find more affordable...
With ongoing financial challenges affecting consumers very differently depending on their financial standing, Kroger is seeing its initiative to improve its private-label offerings prove key...
As Gen Z shows an inclination for shopping from retailers’ own brands, major players are tailoring their private-label offerings to these young consumers’ desires and...
As retailers rethink their relationships with their customers looking to drive deeper loyalty and higher engagement, Sam’s Club is looking to its membership base to...
Shoppers might soon spot Target’s private-label brands at stores other than Target. Christina Hennington, the company’s chief growth officer, tells Bloomberg News that it is expanding sales of...
As Amazon looks to close the gap with Walmart in grocery, both retail giants are seeing the opportunity to win over shoppers with their private-label brands. Walmart announced Tuesday (April 30) the...
Walmart is expanding its private-label offerings with the debut of “chef-inspired” food brand bettergoods. Announced Tuesday (April 30), bettergoods represents Walmart’s largest private-brand food rollout in two decades,...