
Amazon Offers Prime Day Discounts To Boost SMB Partners
Amazon Offers Prime Day Discounts To Boost SMB Partners
October 05, 2020  |  eCommerce

Amazon Prime customers who spend $10 or more at U.S. small businesses that are official “partners” of the company will get $10 discounts while shopping...

QSR Chains Implement Promotions Amid COVID-19
QSR Chains Implement Promotions Amid COVID-19
April 16, 2020  |  Today In Data

Quick-service restaurant (QSR) chains are looking into many promotions and efforts to help survive the coronavirus crisis. Chipotle Mexican Grill, in one case, has offered free delivery...

Can eCommerce Overcome The Strain Of COVID-19?
Can eCommerce Overcome The Strain Of COVID-19?
April 01, 2020  |  Retail

While it is the only option for many retailers, eCommerce is running into its own limitations under the pressure of the COVID-19 crisis. And as...

The Incredibly Unexpected World Of Leap Year Commerce
The Incredibly Unexpected World Of Leap Year Commerce
February 29, 2020  |  Retail

The leap year is upon us – the quadrennial event when the Gregorian calendar corrects a slight problem with its construction that, over time, would...

The Latest Analog To Digital Battleground: Store Shelves
The Latest Analog To Digital Battleground: Store Shelves
January 09, 2020  |  Retail

Sometimes, a technology takes longer than expected to find its footing in a market. The ATM card, for example, was around for quite a while...

How Merchants Turn Showrooming Into A Sale
How Merchants Turn Showrooming Into A Sale
August 13, 2019  |  Mobile

It can be challenging to recall the fear brick-and-mortar retailers had of mobile commerce seven to 10 years ago. Those merchants often viewed consumers walking...

Groupon Tries To Reach A More Lucrative Consumer Base
Groupon Tries To Reach A More Lucrative Consumer Base
August 12, 2019  |  Retail

Hey, did you hear about Groupon? When was the last time anyone said that to you? No offense against Groupon, the relatively longstanding online discount...

Amazon Promotes Shopping Assistant With Credit On Prime Day
Amazon Promotes Shopping Assistant With Credit On Prime Day
July 16, 2019  |  Retail

Through a promotion for new Amazon Assistant installations, Amazon is offering a $10 credit to U.S. Prime Day consumers who allow the company to track...

Visa Rolls Out Promotions As Sponsor Of Hudson Yards
Visa Rolls Out Promotions As Sponsor Of Hudson Yards
March 18, 2019  |  Retail

As the official payment technology partner for Hudson Yards, New York City’s newest neighborhood offering shopping and entertainment options, Visa is offering exclusive discounts and deals...